The W Club 2018 registration period is now open!

It’s that time of the year again, when W Club opens up its doors for registration. The W Club is the Official Collectors’ Club for all Integrity Toys collectible dolls, including Fashion Royalty®, NU. Face™, Poppy Parker™, East 59th™ and much more. The club year ahead will be packed with exclusive perks, new dolls, special offers, priority service and more. A brochure has been designed to introduce you to all that the W Club has to offer, but should you have questions at any time, please contact the Club Liaisons at The W Club is an online based club and requires online registration plus a valid email address to receive information and special offers.


You may register for as many memberships as you would like (there are no limits) until 9:00 PM Eastern Time (New York Time) on February, 27th 2018. Please visit the following web address to begin your registration:


Joining the W Club means that you’ll be getting all of this and more:

  • First-to-know information & sneak peeks at upcoming dolls & more.
  • Exclusive access to Members-only forums.
  • VIP customer service from the W Club Liaisons.
  • Guaranteed opportunity to purchase at least *5* exclusive Club-only dolls, including:
  • 2 Fashion Royalty dolls (which may include NU. Face), 2 Poppy Parker dolls and
    1 additional exclusive doll, plus additional surprise items!
  • $25 coupon to be used towards any $99 or more purchase in the IT Direct Shopping
  • Club-only opportunities to purchase dolls & more.
  • Exclusive members-only online events.
  • Priority convention registration and optional access to a Club-only event at Convention.
  • Special offers, Right-to-buy lotteries and contests.
  • Access to private Q&A sessions with the Integrity staff and much more.

*Details and instructions for this coupon will be sent to 2018 W Club Members at a later
date, including that a one coupon limit will be allowed per order.
Important exclusion: Coupons cannot be used to purchase additional W Club memberships. Any memberships bought with coupons will be voided, as the 2018 Club year does not officially begin until after registration ends.

Membership options are as follows: 


Base Membership: $50; Includes the opportunity to purchase at least five exclusive dolls throughout the year- including two exclusive Fashion Royalty dolls (which may include NU. Face), two exclusive Poppy Parker dolls, and one additional exclusive surprise doll- a $25 coupon and a variety of perks, privileges, special opportunities and offers throughout the year.

OPTIONAL UPGRADES (these are in addition to the 5 W Club exclusive dolls that come with your base membership):


Adding the Upgrade “Modernist” Eugenia Perrin-Frost Fashion Royalty doll (as voted on by 2017 W Club members) to your base membership will have an additional $25 deposit due now and $100 (total of $125 US) plus shipping, handling and tax will be billed approximately in Summer 2018, with the doll scheduled approximately for a Summer 2018 delivery.


Adding the “Soda Pop Saturday” Poppy Parker Doll to your base membership will have an additional $25 deposit due now and $100 (total of $125 US) plus shipping, handling and tax will be billed approximately in Summer 2018, with the doll scheduled approximately for a Summer 2018 delivery.


Adding the Upgrade “Eye Candy” Rayna Ahmadi Doll from the NU. Face Collection to your base membership will have an additional $25 deposit due now and $100 (total of $125 US) plus shipping, handling and tax will be billed approximately in Summer 2018, with the doll scheduled approximately for a Summer 2018 delivery.


 Let’s check out the upgrade dolls, starting with Eugenia!


Item #91446
Eugenia Perrin-Frost™ Dressed Doll
The Fashion Royalty® Collection
2018 W Club Exclusive
Body Type: FR 6.0
Head Sculpt: Eugenia
Quick Switch Feature: No
Skin Tone: A-Tone
Hair Color: Dark Espresso
Eyelashes: Yes, Hand Applied

2018 W club_Eugenia_07.jpg

Introducing Modernist Eugenia Perrin-Frost, the newest offering from the Fashion Royalty® Collection by Integrity Toys, as chosen by 2017 W Club members, who voted for her features, from her warm and vibrant skin tone (a first for this character!) to her hair colour. Her fashionable ensemble was designed by Jessy Ayala. Eugenia Perrin-Frost is a 12.5-inch articulated vinyl doll with fully rooted hair and hand-applied eyelashes. Her ensemble is composed of a pale blue one-piece dress, accessorized with sky-high metallic blue high-heeled boots, a matching purse, jewelry and sunglasses. Doll stand and certificate of authenticity included. For adult collectors ages 15 and up.

2018 Wclub_Eugenia_08.jpg

2017 W Club members finally get to see the result of their vote from last year. The doll Is beautiful and elegant, with the right amount of fashion bling to make her a standout. The dress is simple but with an intricate detail at the front. Her accessories are perfect, even though I’d prefer the boots with closed toes. The make up has Going Public vibes (the mouth and general design) combined with Tricks Of The Trade or Spring Forward (eyeshadow) - EDIT: She has the Spectacular screening in different colours. She’s not the smash Vanessa Perrin was when she got the dark skin treatment (Second Skin) but she’s fab. I’m getting her with my membership.


UPDATE: Integrity Toys released more close up photos of Eugenia, taken by Jessy Ayala.​


Item #PP134
Soda Pop Saturday
Poppy Parker™ Dressed Doll
The Poppy Parker™ Collection
2018 W Club Exclusive
Body Type: PP 1.5
Head Sculpt: Poppy Parker
Quick Switch Feature: No
Skin Tone: FR White
Hair Color: Golden Blond
Eyelashes: Yes, Hand Applied

2018 Wclub_Poppy_11.jpg

In 2018, Poppy Parker revisits some of the best looks that she’s worn in her modelling career so far, with a twist. The W Club introduces the first entry in the “City Sweetheart” Collection, as designed by David Buttry. Poppy Parker is a 12-inch fully articulated fashion doll with fully rooted hair and handapplied eyelashes. Dressed for a sunny summer day in New York city, Poppy looks as sweet as ever in her delightful, high-color day dress! She comes complete with a purse, jewelry, shoes, bright pink and bejeweled cat-eye glasses and a bottle of her favorite orange flavored soda pop. Doll stand and certificate of authenticity included. For adult collectors ages 15 and up.

2018 Wclub_Poppy_12.jpg

I’m not crazy about this year’s upgrade Poppy. The eyes look weird (She has the Reluctant Debutante screening but with applied eyelashes), the hair is blonde (I have too many blonde Poppies), the lipstick too light pink and the dress looks like a variation of the one She’s Arrived had. She has the new high-heeled feet. I love the shoes and the bow details on her bag and bracelet. Easy pass for me. 

2018 Wclub_Rayna_14.jpg

Item #82098
Eye Candy
Rayna Ahmadi™ Dressed Doll
The NU. Face™ Collection
2018 W Club Exclusive
Body Type: NF 3.0
Head Sculpt: Rayna
Quick Switch Feature: No
Skin Tone: Japan
Hair Color: Amber
Eyelashes: Yes, Hand Applied

2018 Wclub_Rayna_15.jpg

Rayna Ahmadi, the 2018 NU. Face upgrade doll option, marks the debut of the new 2018 collection, as designed by the talented Jessy Ayala of Integrity Toys. Rayna Ahmadi is a 12.5-inch articulated vinyl doll featuring fully rooted hair and handapplied eyelashes. Rayna wears a one-piece denim overall jumpsuit and completes her look with an oversized jewellery set, a colourful bandana, matching denim open-toed high-heels and a unique ice-cream cone shaped purse. Doll stand and certificate of authenticity included. For adult collectors ages 15 and up.

2018 Wclub_Rayna_16.jpg

This is an amazing Rayna, one of the best ever released. Her face and make up look great, using pink in the right way. She reminds me of the IFDC Rock Me Baby Rayna but enhanced with warm vibrant pink. Her outfit looks amazing - I’m a sucker for late 70s styled jeans. It would have looked even better in a dark blue denim though. Her shoes are awesome, her bag weird and the jewellery good. She’s coming home too.

So, are you joining the W Club this year? If so, which upgrade dolls are you getting, if any? 

  • So, how do you become part of the W Club?

From now until February 27th, 2018, you can qualify for the 2018 W Club by submitting a
registration form and completing your payment. You can start your registration here:

No registrations will be accepted after February 27th, 2018 at 9:00 PM Eastern Time (New
York time). No exceptions.

  • For how long is your 2018 Club membership valid?

Memberships are valid until the latter of January 1, 2019 or when the 2019 Club membership
registration period begins.

  • As a member, will you be guaranteed every exclusive item from the Club?

Every member in good standing will be guaranteed the right to purchase at least 5 exclusive dolls, which will be offered at various times throughout the Club year, including the 2 Fashion Royalty exclusive dolls (which may include NU. Face), 2 exclusive Poppy Parker dolls, and 1 additional exclusive doll during 2018. Members that added upgrade dolls during registration are guaranteed those upgrade doll(s), as well. There will be other limited items which will be available by lottery or first-come, first-served opportunities. Please note that membership in the W Club does not guarantee access to Integrity Toys’ non-Club exclusive dolls and accessories. None of the dolls available through the Integrity Toys’ authorised dealers can be purchased through the W Club and are not W Club exclusive items.

  • How many 2018 Club memberships can you purchase?

The number of memberships by collector or household is not restricted. However, memberships are non-transferable and cannot be shared.

  • You live outside of the US. May you still become a member?

Yes. Membership is available to residents of all countries worldwide. Please note that all
news releases and information will be released in English only.

  • You would like the Club information sent to you via regular mail; can it be done?

This is an online only Club and all members must have access to a valid email address.

  • What forms of payment are accepted?

All payments are processed through Integrity Toys’ online shopping cart system. They accept
Credit Cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express and Discover) and PayPal. If you
don’t have a PayPal account or a credit card, you could get a prepaid credit card, as it
makes it easier for you to take advantage of the many offers.

  • How about more information about the purchasing of exclusive W Club dolls?

2018 W Club members are guaranteed the right to purchase the exclusive W Club doll(s) from 2018 only (these dolls are separate from and in addition to the upgrade dolls that you can purchase at registration). The number of W Club exclusive doll(s) produced is based on the number of pre-orders paid. If you do not pre-order the Club doll(s) by the designated cut-off date (there is usually about a week-long ordering window), you forfeit your right to purchase that Club doll through the W Club. Also, Club doll(s) from previous years are NOT available to 2018 members- Club dolls are only available during that specific membership year.

  • How about more information about the Club coupon?

Each W Club membership that you purchase will automatically add a special $25 coupon to your IT Direct Coupon Wallet that can be used towards ANY IT Direct shopping cart purchase of $99 or more online only during the 2018 W Club year. As long as your order is above $99 before shipping and tax, you can apply your coupon towards any order of your choice. Full details and instructions for the $25 coupon will be sent to 2018 W Club Members at a later date, including that a one coupon limit will be allowed per order.
Important exclusion: Coupons cannot be used to purchase additional memberships.
Any memberships bought with coupons will be voided, as the 2018 Club year does not
officially begin until after registration ends.

  • When will you be able to log into the W Club forum?

Once your membership has been processed, you will be emailed the “Welcome to the 2018
W Club” notice. This notice includes information on how to register and be approved for the
members-only forum, contact emails, email information and more. Due to the number of
registrations that are expected to be received at this time, it can take up to a week or more for the welcome notice to be sent out and you should be patient until you are sent the notice.

  • Other: For answers to any additional questions, please contact the W Club Liaisons at
  • For W Club Rules and Protocol, go to
    to view the rules document.
  • The upgrade dolls will have a non-refundable deposit due immediately, with a balance due at shipping time, approximately in Summer 2018.
  • Prototypes shown, final production may vary slightly.

**All photos and information contained herein is copyrighted Integrity Toys, Inc. and Intercap Merchant Partners, LLC 2018 and may not be reprinted or disseminated without express written permission. FASHION ROYALTY, POPPY PARKER, NU. FACE, EAST 59TH, THE INDUSTRY and all other character marks followed by ™ or ® are trademarks of Integrity Toys, Inc. Chesapeake City MD USA 21915. All rights reserved.
The W Club is a trademark of Intercap Merchant Partners, LLC. All rights reserved.
Doll Photography by Jayme Thornton. Layouts and graphics by Alain Tremblay, Marketing.

The registration period for Integrity Toys W Club is open!

It's the time of the year again when W Club opens up its doors (12th year!) for the annual registration process. The official announcement was emailed to last year's members a few days ago and so now is the time for everyone who wants to part of this exclusive group to register. Let's see what perks are available for this year's members and the available packages:

The 2017 W Club Registration 

You can review the PDF brochure that outlines all of the deals and offers that becoming a member of the W Club in 2017 will bring you at the following link or watch the 2017 Video brochure via the following links:



You may register now through 9:00 PM ET (New York Time) on February 21st, 2017.

The deadline is concrete, so please make sure that you register well in advance of the deadline. Every year, things come up at the last minute, so please register as soon as possible since once they shut down the links, that is it for the year. As in years past, there are no limits on memberships- you can register for as many memberships as you'd like at any time prior to the 2/21/17 at 9PM ET deadline.

Perks and privileges

Aside from gaining access to the members-only W Club forum and exclusive newsletters, here's a peek at some of the great perks W Club members will get in 2017:

Club Exclusive Dolls
For 2017, every member will have an opportunity (in addition to the upgrade options) to pre-order at least 5 exclusive Club-only dolls, including 2 Fashion Royalty dolls (which may include NU. Face), 2 exclusive Poppy Parker dolls, and 1 additional exclusive doll, plus additional surprise items.

Member Coupon
Each W Club membership that you purchase will automatically add a special $25 coupon to your IT Direct Coupon Wallet that can be used towards ANY IT Direct shopping cart purchase of $99 or more online only during the 2017 W Club year. No more restrictions to W Club exclusive items-- as long as your order is above $99 before shipping and tax, you can apply your coupon towards any order of your choice!*

*Details and instructions for this coupon will be sent to 2017 W Club Members at a later date, including that a one coupon limit will be allowed per order.

Important exclusion: Coupons cannot be used to purchase W Club memberships. Any memberships bought with coupons will be voided, as the 2017 Club year does not officially begin until after registration ends.


If you are a fan of the JEM AND THE HOLOGRAMS™ Collection, W Club members will again receive a priority 24-hour first-order window for all four of the final JEM AND THE HOLOGRAMS™ collectibles sold through IT Direct during the year. Becoming a W Club member ensures that you will not miss out on another hot offering of this Truly Outrageous collection! 

Advance doll presentations
You'll get access to MEMBERS-ONLY exclusive online events where the IT design team unveils their latest creations. 

Of course, there will also be more "right to buy" lotteries, more exclusives, the chance to purchase your convention passes before members of the general public and many more surprises during the year.

Upgrade dolls

Here are the 2017 upgrade options, an opportunity to pre-order three brand new members-only dolls and, new this year, the upgrade POPUP! Diorama Playset immediately when you purchase your 2017 membership. Plus, for the first time ever, the Fashion Royalty upgrade was selected by our 2016 W Club members!

Also, as a special new 2017 perk, if you upgrade a membership with all three upgrade dolls, you will automatically get the upgrade the POPUP! Diorama Playset for FREE- this virtually covers the price of your base membership.

In addition to the *5* W Club exclusive dolls that will be made available later in the year, you get the opportunity to pre-order these new upgrade dolls/diorama today when you purchase your W Club memberships. Each membership that you purchase today gives you the right to pre-order up to one of each of the following: 

Item #TBA
Riviera Drama
Agnes Von Weiss™ Dressed Doll
The Fashion Royalty® Collection
2017 W Club Upgrade Doll
Approximate Ship Date: Summer 2017
Edition Size: TBA (Determined by the total amount of orders received)

Doll Tech Specs:
Head Sculpt: Agnes Von Weiss
Hair Color: Raven (Black)
Eyelashes: Yes, Hand-Applied
Body Type: FR 6.0
Foot Sculpt: High-heeled / Traditional
Quick Switch Feature: No
Skin Tone: Cream

Your first W Club upgrade doll of 2017 is an exciting creation, based on the results of the "Your Voice, Your Choice" opportunity that we held amongst the 2016 W Club Members. This new Agnes doll will be designed based on the specs that were chosen by club members voting on a variety of options set by Integrity Toys,

The winning Agnes Von Weiss doll will come dressed in the "Riviera Drama" outfit (which will be based on the sketch you can see above) and sport a side-parted, controlled curl raven hairstyle. Agnes will be done in the cream skin tone and should be delivered sometime in Summer 2017.

Since the vote just occurred last week, Integrity is unable to show an actual prototype of the doll, however, as soon as the designers have completed the task of bringing the doll to life, the company will share pictures with everyone in the Club. All pre-orders will take place based on the sketch above.

Agnes Von Weiss is a 12.5-inch fully articulated doll with full rooted hair and hand-applied lashes. Her raven hair is styled in a controlled curl hairstyle. Agnes comes dressed in a one-piece outfit. Doll includes purse, jewelry, high-heeled shoes and accessories. For adult collectors ages 15 and up only. A doll stand and a certificate of authenticity are included.

I voted for exactly this set of options as a member so I'm getting this one and hope the doll turns out as great as it looks in the sketch.

*You can upgrade your membership immediately to include this doll. An additional $25 non-refundable deposit is due immediately at registration time and a balance of $110, (for a total of $135.00) + shipping, handling and taxes (if applicable) per each Agnes doll you add to your membership will be due closer to the actual ship date of the doll, which will happen approximately during Summer 2017 once the dolls have been produced.

Note: The image above outlines the winning specs of the 2017 FR Upgrade doll, as chosen by 2016 W Club members. Final prototype doll to be unveiled later, approximately in the Spring of 2017.

Item #PP112 
Poppy Parker Dressed Doll
2017 Club Upgrade Doll
The Swinging London Collection 
Approximate Ship Date: Summer 2017 
Edition Size: TBA (Determined by the total amount of orders received)

Doll Tech Specs:
Head Sculpt: Poppy Parker 
Hair Color: Warm Brown 
Eyelashes: Yes, Hand-Applied
Body Type: PP 1.5 
Foot Sculpt: Traditional / Original Poppy Parker Feet
Quick Switch Feature: No 
Skin Tone: FR White

Poppy Parker is a fully articulated 12.5 inch doll with fully rooted hair and hand applied eyelashes. Poppy wears a green and white mini dress with faux leather details, green and white matching shoes, a purse and faux white leather outback hat complete this look. For adult collectors ages 15 and up only. This doll cannot stand alone; a doll stand is included.

This Poppy looks lovely, and she is also very versatile for redress. I might be getting her too. This year's theme is swinging London so be prepared for lots of mod stuff. Seems logical after last year's elegant early 60s style.

*You can upgrade your membership immediately to include this doll. An additional $25 non-refundable deposit is due immediately at registration time and a balance of $95, (for a total of $120.00) + shipping, handling and taxes (if applicable) per each Poppy Parker doll you add to your membership will be due closer to the actual ship date of the doll, which will happen approximately during Summer 2017, once the dolls have been produced.

Item #82069 
Giselle Diefendorf™ Dressed Doll
The NU. Face Collection
2017 Club Upgrade Doll
Approximate Ship Date: Summer 2017 
Edition Size: TBA (Determined by the total amount of orders received)

Doll Tech Specs:
Head Sculpt: Giselle Diefendorf 
Hair Color: Soft Bronze 
Eyelashes: Yes, Hand-Applied
Body Type: NF 2.0 
Foot Sculpt: Traditional NF Feet
Quick Switch Feature: No 
Skin Tone: FR White

Giselle D. is a fully articulated 12.5 inch doll with fully rooted hair and hand-applied eyelashes. Dressed in a frilly look with a faux-leather belt with golden buckles and matching footwear. This doll comes complete with a chain ring bracelet and a little filigree egg purse. For adult collectors ages 15 and up only. This doll cannot stand alone; a doll stand is included.

This is not for me. As much as I love her accessories and jewellery, I do not like the doll or the dress - which is an Alexander McQueen resort 2017 look:

*You can upgrade your membership immediately to include this doll. An additional $25 non-refundable deposit is due immediately at registration time and a balance of $95, (for a total of $120.00) + shipping, handling and taxes (if applicable) per each Giselle doll you add to your membership will be due closer to the actual ship date of the doll, which will happen approximately during Summer 2016 once the dolls have been produced.

Item #15076 
Diorama Playset
2017 Club Upgrade Diorama 
Approximate Ship Date: Summer 2017 
Edition Size: TBA (Determined by the total amount of orders received)

Tech Specs:
Approximate Width: 14" Wide
Approximate Length: 13" High
Approximate Depth: 6" Deep
Material: Cardboard / Stock and Acrylic Parts

For the first time ever, the W Club is offering a 4th membership upgrade option, the incredible POPUP! Diorama Playset!, designed by Alain Tremblay.

All of the components are included to transform this diorama decor from a  dressing room complete with closet space and miniature shelving for purses and accessories, to a fun and swinging retro/MOD lounge for your favorite dolls to hang out in. The set includes the pieces to make the chair shown (chair is made of both acrylic and card stock to support the weight of a doll), the back walls, floor, 2 miniature pretend spotlights and a 60's curtain accessory for the lounge side of things. This set will ship flat, assembly will be required. Detailed instructions will be provided. For adult collectors ages 15 and up.

*You can upgrade your membership immediately to include this diorama. An additional $20 non-refundable deposit is due immediately at registration time and a balance of $29, (for a total of $49.00) + shipping, handling and taxes (if applicable) per each diorama you add to your membership will be due closer to the actual ship date of the item, which will happen approximately during Summer 2016 once the dolls have been produced.

Remember, if you order all 3 upgrade dolls with a membership, you will receive one of these dioramas ABSOLUTELY FREE! No need to do anything, it will automatically be given to you behind-the-scenes. If you upgrade with all 3 dolls on a membership and you want to purchase a second diorama, you may do that as well. More information is provided during the registration process.

*3D rendering shown, final product and dimensions may vary slightly. 

The 2017 Membership and Upgrade Options

There is one (1) membership level and new this year, four (4) upgrade options to choose from- 3 upgrade dolls and 1 diorama. Plus, there is the extra-special perk of getting a FREE diorama if you upgrade with all 3 dolls on a membership.

Again, for more information, see the brochure or begin the registration process, as there are details included there, as well.

More Details About Registration 2017

-Access to information and special offers for the W Club related to all of Integrity Toys brands are covered by the base membership.

-You can choose to add up to 1 of each different upgrade option type for each 1 base membership (each upgrade item will require an additional deposit and the remaining payment balance- ranging in price by item- will be billed to you closer to their arrival date.) 

-You can buy as many memberships as you want, and for every membership, you can upgrade each with a Fashion Royalty Agnes, Poppy Parker, NU. Face Giselle doll and/or POPUP! Diorama (up to 4 total, one of each item, for every one membership that you buy). However, as described in detail below, if you buy all 3 upgrade dolls, since you get a diorama for free, you can also choose to buy another diorama as a part of that "package".

-Special new 2017 offer! If you add 1 of each upgrade doll to a membership, you will get the POPUP! diorama for FREE! Please note that if you purchase 1 of each upgrade doll, your free diorama will not show up on your order- it will automatically be shipped to you with your upgrade dolls later in the year. If you add 1 of each upgrade doll per your 1 membership, you will also have the option to purchase an extra diorama with that membership for a total of 2, if you'd like an extra one.


-If you want more than 1 of any particular item/doll, you will need to buy a base membership for each doll (for example, if you want 3 Upgrade Poppy Parker dolls, you will need to buy 3 base memberships and add the Upgrade Poppy Parker doll option, but if you want 1 Poppy Parker doll and 1 Giselle doll, you only need to purchase 1 base membership and add on 1 of each doll).

Base W Club Membership Only ($50.00):
Includes a variety of perks and privileges, including all described earlier in this email;
Invitation to exclusive online events previewing new collections;
Guaranteed opportunity to purchase two (2) Exclusive Fashion Royalty® dolls (which may include NU.Face™), two (2) exclusive Poppy Parker™ dolls, and one (1) additional exclusive doll that will be unveiled later and offered exclusively to 2017 W Club members at various times throughout the Club year;
Each W Club membership that you purchase will automatically add a special $25 coupon to your IT Direct Coupon Wallet that can be used towards ANY IT Direct shopping cart purchase of $99 or more online only during the 2017 W Club year! No more restrictions to W Club exclusive items-- as long as your order is above $99 before shipping and tax, you can apply your coupon towards any order of your choice!*
If you are a fan of the JEM AND THE HOLOGRAMS™ Collection, W Club members will get a priority 24-hour first-order window for all four JEM AND THE HOLOGRAMS™ collectibles sold through IT Direct for the year! Becoming a W Club member ensures that you will not miss out on another hot offering of this Truly Outrageous collection!
Priority access to convention registration and special IT Direct only offers before the general public;
Access to the W Club Liaisons for VIP customer service, a members-only online forum, contests, lotteries, special offers, first-to-know information and more!
*Details and instructions for the $25 coupon will be sent to 2017 W Club Members at a later date, including that a one coupon limit will be allowed per order.

Important exclusion: Coupons cannot be used to purchase additional memberships. Any memberships bought with coupons will be voided, as the 2017 Club year does not officially begin until after registration ends.

Upgrade options:

Adding the Upgrade "RIVIERA DRAMA" Agnes Von Weiss Fashion Royalty® doll (as chosen by 2016 W Club members) to your base membership will add an additional $25 non-refundable deposit due now and $110 plus shipping, handling and tax will be billed approximately in Summer 2017, with the doll scheduled approximately for a Summer 2017 delivery. 

Adding the Upgrade "Popster!" Poppy Parker™ doll to your base membership will add an additional $25 non-refundable deposit due now and $95 plus shipping, handling and tax will be billed approximately in Summer 2017, with the doll scheduled approximately for a Summer 2017 delivery. 

Adding the Upgrade "Majesty" Giselle NU. Face™ doll to your base membership will add an additional $25 non-refundable deposit due now and $95 plus shipping, handling and tax will be billed approximately in Summer 2017, with the doll scheduled approximately for a Summer 2017 delivery. 

Adding the Upgrade POPUP! Diorama Playset to your base membership will add an additional $20 non-refundable deposit due now and $29 plus shipping, handling and tax will be billed approximately in Summer 2017, with the doll scheduled approximately for a Summer 2017 delivery. 

**Please note that because these items will be produced based on the specific quantity ordered during registration, they should arrive approximately in Summer 2017 and part of the payment will not be due until they arrive at IT's warehouse.

Important! This remaining balance will NOT be automatically billed to you. For security reasons and to avoid any online fraud, Integrity Toys does not retain credit card information on file at any time.


1- Club memberships cannot be shared or transferred and since you can purchase as many memberships as you like, you do not need to create additional accounts for those memberships in our shopping cart. If you would like to purchase multiple memberships, you can add them all to one invoice. Multiple memberships do not have to be on separate invoices.

2- If you are purchasing memberships for other collectors as well as yourself, please make sure that you put their names and email addresses in the comments section before checking out from the shopping cart. If a name is not registered, that person will not be recognized as a W Club member.

3- If you purchase multiple memberships so that your spouse, partner or family member may attend any of the W Club exclusive events (including the members-only W Club luncheon at the annual Integrity Toys convention), this person's name must be included in the comment section of your membership(s) invoice! If you purchase multiple memberships but do not include your spouse, partner or family member's name on one of those memberships, they will not be able to attend any of the W Club exclusive events.


The W Club is Now in Transition

Until registration is over, the club is in transition, so updates will be mailed to both 2016 members and new members. You may therefore receive emails twice.

Also, the club will keep you posted on exclusive 2016 W Club dolls that will be arriving in 2017. Please note that these are exclusive 2016 W Club dolls available only to 2016 Club members who pre-ordered by the deadline. As they are pre-sold out, these dolls may not be available for 2017 W Club members when they arrive.

For the forum, the club will keep your registration active until the 2017 membership registration period ends. However, cleaning up old threads and deleting old topics, etc. will be done to freshen the forums for next year. Anyone not re-registering will be removed from the forum immediately following 2017 registration. It is possible that if the club does not recognize your user name, etc. you may be accidentally deleted during the cleanup. If this is the case, just email them and they will get you reinstated asap. TO HELP THEM RECOGNIZE YOU FASTER, THE CART WILL ASK YOU TO ENTER YOUR FORUM ID AT CHECK OUT WHEN YOU PURCHASE YOUR 2017 MEMBERSHIP(S). THIS STEP IS OBLIGATORY AND WILL HELP THEM SERVE YOU FASTER IN THE FUTURE.

Note: Prototype dolls shown, final production may vary slightly. 

All photos and information contained herein is copyrighted Integrity Toys, Inc. and Intercap Merchant Partners, LLC 2017 and may not be reprinted or disseminated without express written permission. 

**HASBRO and its logo and JEM AND THE HOLOGRAMS and all related characters are trademarks of Hasbro and are used with permission. ©2017 HASBRO. All rights reserved. 

Poppy Parker, Fashion Royalty, NU. Face and all other trademarks followed by ™ or ® are registered trademarks of Integrity Toys, Inc. Chesapeake City MD USA 21915. All rights reserved.

The W Club is a trademark of Intercap Merchant Partners, LLC. All rights reserved.

Doll Photography by Jayme Thornton, Layouts, Graphics and 3D rendering by Alain Tremblay, Marketing.