Where some of my dolls are being interviewed!

An incredible lady I met on-line, Athena, liked my dolls so much, she decided to interview them and post them on the brilliant and eclectic blog of Avaton Kortez. I cannot thank them enough! Here is the post translated for you:

5 Goddesses I loved on my timeline, unlock themselves tonight

Sometimes Avaton gives me the keys and goes down to meet the sailors and his lads. Those few moments I am free to walk the neighbouring clouds and meet mythical persons that come out of celluloid, dreams and your fantasies. I met the girls in evenings and afternoons in different places, away from the crazy and arrogant world that made them Goddesses. And here is what they said about themselves:

The incredible Poppy Parker:

1. How old were you when you fell in love for the first time? How was it? 15 years old with a village boy in my summer holidays, so romantic!
2. Favourite restaurant? Whichever serves spicy curry.
3. Which star do you love to hate? Hate messes with my Zen.
4. Which film would you like to star in and with which part? In a remake of The Letter, the scorned woman.
5. Which song makes you want to fly? Fly me to the moon by Frank Sinatra.

Mythical Cher

1. What do you cook best? I do not do everyday things, I leave it to my chef.
2. Where and how would you like to die? Cher will never die my dear.
3. Cabernet or Sauvignon Blanc? Only champagne dear, those are for mere mortals.
4. Ashton Kutcher or Justin Timberlake? Why? Justin of course - and if you need an explanation, you're doing something wrong with your life!
5. Which song makes you feel like a teen? The Shoop Shoop Song.

The dramatic Brenda Starr

1. Best kiss in your life? Soundtrack? Whenever Basil St. John kisses me and Amado Mio plays in the background.
2. How do you sleep at night? With Basil.
3. What does a man have to do to never win you over? To be rude.
4. Best place you ever had a swim? Bora Bora.
5. Which song brings a tear in your eye? Someone To Watch Over Me.

The irresistible Poppy Parker, or should we say Twiggy?

1. What are you afraid of the most? Using ordinary mascara by accident.
2. Paris or New York? Only London baby! Swinging Sixties!
3. Favourite novel? Tell me a quote that has imprinted itself in your head from it. Valley Of The Dolls - ''Yes, there's one thing I do want. I want to be aware of the minutes and the seconds, and to make each one count''.
4. Ever shot someone? Which star would you easily shoot? Never touched a gun in my life, nor do I want to.
5. Which song makes you want to fall in love? The Kinks - Waterloo Sunset.

Seductive Lilly

1. Favourite designer: John Galliano
2. Red-carpet look that has gotten you jealous? None, I do the best ones.
3. Have you ever kissed a woman? Sure, we must try everything!
4. Your opinion of Russel Brand? Pffff
5. Which song reminds you of the biggest love of your life? Billie Holiday - I Get Along With You Very Well

You can meet your own goddess at http://instagram.com/sandman_gr and talk with her at http://fashiondollchronicles.blogspot.com/ I simply thank @sandman_gr for the ride up there! :)

My instagram dolls

I have an Instagram account and only post doll portraits from my collection, plus the first photos I shoot when unpacking my newly arrived dolls. Since many blog readers do not have an account there, I thought I would post some of them here for you to see. Playing with filters and effects there is not as complex as Photoshop but it is fun and I love people's reactions to them as many who see them are not collectors. Hope you like them.

Ghost Of Christmas Future by Tonner Doll

Irresistible In India Poppy Parker by Integrity Toys

DAE Dolls Glamour Gal Vivien wearing Portrait by DAE

Reluctant Débutante Poppy Parker by Integrity Toys

Holiday Grand Brenda Starr by Effanbee Dolls and Tonner Doll (no filter used)

Pas De Deux Gene Marshall by Mel Odom and Ashton Drake

Versace Barbie by Mattel

Ready For Wardrobe Joan Crawford by Tonner Doll

Star Of The Red Carpet Daphne Dimples by Effanbee Dolls and Tonner Doll

Take The Picture Jo Stockton by Integrity Toys (here still in her box)

Think Pink by Integrity Toys

Manhattan Grand Sydney Chase by Tonner Doll

Grace Kelly by Franklin Mint

Poppy Parker "The Happening" by integrity Toys