Integrity Toys Gloss Convention 2014: part II - Nu Face reveal

As Integrity Toys had announced earlier in the year, the new NuFace body would be revealed in the convention W Club Luncheon - and so it was. The new body is a slimmer version of the new Fashion Royalty body: it has a smaller bust, slightly slimmer waist and a perkier bum, as Integrity Toys' senior designer, the talented Vaughn Sawyers said during the event, talking about the line to attendees. Let's see what dolls were presented.

Item # 82055
Sensuous Affair
Giselle Diefendorf™Dressed Doll 
W Club Luncheon Exclusive Centerpiece Doll 
Limited Edition of 400 Dolls

Giselle was the centerpiece doll for the luncheon and so she was the first one shown to the participants. The outfit was based on something Vaughn and Jessy Ayala saw somewhere, Jessy sketched a version and Jason Wu had it tweaked to fit his vision and style. She looks gorgeous.

Item # 82056
Chrome Noir
Erin Salston™ Dressed Doll 
W Club Luncheon Exclusive Giveaway Doll 
Limited Edition of 400 Dolls

The giveaway doll for everyone attending was Erin. She has the 2.0 version of Erin sculpt, again wearing shorts but this time in sequins and a halter neck, very 70s disco babe. Halter necks are back in fashion for real people too. She has a heavy, smoky eye/dark lips make up which fits the era and is also very current. Beautiful.

Item # 82057
Dominique Makeda™ Dressed Doll 
Official Workshop Doll 
Limited Edition of 300 Dolls

Dominique is now moved to the NuFace girls team. This was the doll for Uriah's 3D printing workshop, so you had to enroll there (if you did not, you missed on some great goodies) to get her. She looks very disco glam. I love her hair colour.

Item # 82058
Evening Siren
Ayumi N.™ Dressed Doll
IT Direct Store Exclusive
Limited Edition of 600 Dolls

Ayumi now has a new face (again), so this is version 3.0 of this character. Her 1.0 face has appeared in the Poppy Parker line this year so we are now missing the beautiful version 2.0 - hope it appears somewhere. She looks more Asian now than before, a bit like a younger version of the old Kyori sculpt. The doll was available to purchase during the final dinner of the convention. The outfit is navy  blue embroidered lace. Fantastic doll. 

**All photos and information contained herein is copyrighted Integrity Toys, Inc. and Intercap Merchant Partners, LLC 2014 and may not be reprinted or disseminated without express written permission.**